As Alse Studio, we are supporting project Forest Protection, Mataven which is the biggest REDD+ Project in Colombia and purchased 5,267kg of CO2 offsets within this project to protect tropical forests which helps to safeguard its biodiversity.
Supporting indigenous peoples to avoid deforestation
As the biggest REDD+ Project in Colombia this initiative protects 1,150,200 hectares of tropical forests, safeguarding its biodiversity. It provides education, healthcare, sanitation, food security, nutrition, and further social benefits for 16,000 indigenous people. The project works hand-in-hand with the communities to constantly inform and train them, improve living conditions and promote sustainable economic growth.
The project follows a holistic approach to make a lasting change in the behavior towards sustainable practices, forest protection, and conservation. The different scopes of the project focus on reducing the vulnerability of indigenous territory through strengthening governance through the communities, improving surveillance and control of the territory, as well as the system of communication and transportation. Besides, the project helps improve food self-sufficiency for six different ethnic groups.
How does forest protection help fight global warming?
Forests are not only among the planet's most important carbon reservoirs. They also are home to an enormous diversity of species and are the livelihood for all people. However, global forest areas have declined sharply in recent decades due to increasing settlement, agricultural use, illegal logging and mining.
Forest protection projects ensure that forests are preserved in the long term and that the protection of forests is given a higher value than their deforestation. Together with the local population, project participants protect the area from negative influences. To allow for this the projects create alternative sources of income and educational opportunities. Depending on the project region, forests store varying amounts of carbon per hectare. Particularly high amounts of carbon are stored in the vegetation and soil of tropical swamp forests, primary rainforests or mangroves.

What does carbon neutral mean?
A carbon neutral business, product or service can be achieved when the totality of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 e) emitted are offset by verified carbon offset projects
Carbon offset projects make a decisive contribution to combating global warming by demonstrably saving greenhouse gases.
These projects can take the form of forest conservation, reforestation or the development of renewable energy.
Forests are some of the most important carbon sinks on the planet because they sequester around one third of humanity’s annual carbon emissions.
They are also home to an enormous variety of species and are the basis of human life. However, global forest areas have sharply declined in recent decades due to increasing settlement, agricultural use, illegal logging, and mining.
A more mindful approach to Nature, People and Product